Tag Archives: merchandise

Meet the Exhibitors: The Creative and Innovative Minds Behind HighLifeStyle Show 2023

Meet the Exhibitors: The Creative and Innovative Minds Behind HighLifeStyle Show 2023

The HighLifeStyle Show 2023 doesn’t just offer a feast for the senses; it serves as a bustling marketplace for a myriad of exhibitors, each bringing their unique flair and expertise to the show. This year, the event’s Exhibit Hall will house a diverse range of exhibitors, from cannabis dispensaries, genetics, brands, art and ancillary businesses, […]

“Toking With The DEAD”: Where Cannabis Meets Comics at the HighLifeStyle Show!

"Toking With The DEAD": Where Cannabis Meets Comics at the HighLifeStyle Show!

Toking with the DEAD is a comic series that combines marijuana and zombies. Created by Benjamin Bartlett and Jeffrey Homan of Massachusetts, the comic series was years in the making and the first five issues are now complete and available to the public. Follow their story as they fight for their lives, and their weed, […]

Dungeons Vault Genetics Brings Award Winning Seeds to HighLifeStyle Show

Dungeons Vault Genetics Brings Award Winning Seeds to HighLifeStyle Show

The Dungeons Vault Genetics Story I grew up in Sacramento, CA and gained an interest in cannabis when my neighbor introduced me to it. Over the years, my interest turned to more of a passion and an obvious choice of what I wanted to be involved in. Making my own line of seeds seemed like […]

Joey Mars – creating a unique world of characters and far-out art

Joey Mars - creating a unique world of characters and far-out art

Joey Mars, King of Psychedelic Art, made a name for himself in the counterculture, and designing posters for Aerosmith and Grateful Dead. Now he’s bringing his weird to gallery walls. – thedailybeast.com  I have been at it for more than 30 years creating a unique world of characters and far-out planetary environments. My art has […]